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Raspberry Pi: Minecraft: Block List


While creating a webpage on hacking Minecraft, I realized that there were significantly more blocks available than were listed in the library file. Not including redefinitions, there are 70 blocks defined by the library, but there are at least 294 blocks that can be created in the Minecraft Pi Edition. This web page documents the current list of blocks that I know of.

Unfortunately, the Minecraft API doesn't make it easy to definitively find the complete list of blocks. The response to creating a block using an invalid combination of id and data sometimes returns a failed response, but just as often it will repeat one of the blocks in the series, or will modulus the value and repeat a series of blocks over and over. The list below has been "cleaned" of what appeared to be obvious incorrect responses, however there is always a possibility that some valid blocks may have been removed. For anyone that feels like exploring the blocks themselves, I have provided the scripts that I used at the bottom of this page.

Based on experimentation, the valid range for "id" is 0-255, and the valid range for "data" is 0-15, making 4096 possible combinations. There are a few blocks that I couldn't identify or get to work properly. If you know the answer, please contact me using the feedback button, so that I can update the page. Thanks.

The List of Blocks

Block(id, data) Image Descrption
Block(0,0) block_0_0.png AIR
This looks empty, but it's not. Using AIR is a great way to erase, or create openings.
Block(1,0) block_1_0.png STONE
Block(2,0) block_2_0.png GRASS
Block(3,0) block_3_0.png DIRT
Block(4,0) block_4_0.png COBBLESTONE
Block(5,0) block_5_0.png OAK_WOOD_PLANK
Block(6,0) block_6_0.png OAK_SAPLING
Block(6,1) block_6_1.png SPRUCE_SAPLING
Block(6,2) block_6_2.png BIRCH_SAPLING
Block(7,0) block_7_0.png BEDROCK
Block(8,0) block_8_0.png FLOWING_WATER_0 (Fills)
This block creates flowing water that fills a space as though there is a continuous source of water.
Block(8,1) block_8_1.png FLOWING_WATER_1 (Drains)
This looks empty only because it was hard to take a picture of. This block is like flowing water, with no source. The result is that all of the water drains away.
Block(9,0) block_9_0.png STILL_WATER_0
Block(9,1) block_9_1.png STILL_WATER_1
Block(9,2) block_9_2.png STILL_WATER_2
Block(9,3) block_9_3.png STILL_WATER_3
Block(9,4) block_9_4.png STILL_WATER_4
Block(9,5) block_9_5.png STILL_WATER_5
Block(9,6) block_9_6.png STILL_WATER_6
Block(9,7) block_9_7.png STILL_WATER_7
Block(10,0) block_10_0.png FLOWING_LAVA_0 (Fills)
This block creates flowing lava that fills a space as though there is a continuous source of lava.
Block(10,1) block_10_1.png FLOWING_LAVA_1 (Drains)
This block is like flowing lava, with no source. The result is that all of the lava drains away.
Block(11,0) block_11_0.png STILL_LAVA_0
Block(11,1) block_11_1.png STILL_LAVA_1
Block(11,2) block_11_2.png STILL_LAVA_2
Block(11,3) block_11_3.png STILL_LAVA_3
Block(11,4) block_11_4.png STILL_LAVA_4
Block(11,5) block_11_5.png STILL_LAVA_5
Block(11,6) block_11_6.png STILL_LAVA_6
Block(11,7) block_11_7.png STILL_LAVA_7
Block(12,0) block_12_0.png SAND (gravity)
If this block is placed in a location that is unsupported, it will fall.
Block(13,0) block_13_0.png GRAVEL (gravity)
If this block is placed in a location that is unsupported, it will fall.
Block(14,0) block_14_0.png GOLD_ORE
Block(15,0) block_15_0.png IRON_ORE
Block(16,0) block_16_0.png COAL_ORE
Block(17,0) block_17_0.png OAK_WOOD
Block(17,1) block_17_1.png SPRUCE_WOOD
Block(17,2) block_17_2.png BIRCH_WOOD
Block(18,0) block_18_0.png OAK_LEAVES
Block(18,1) block_18_1.png SPRUCE_LEAVES
Block(18,2) block_18_2.png BIRCH_LEAVES
Block(20,0) block_20_0.png GLASS
Block(21,0) block_12_0.png LAPIS_LAZULI_ORE
Block(22,0) block_22_0.png LAPIS_LAZULI_BLOCK
Block(24,0) block_24_0.png SAND_STONE
Block(24,1) block_24_1.png CHISELED_SANDSTONE
Block(24,2) block_24_2.png SMOOTH_SANDSTONE
Block(26,0) block_26_0.png BED_0
Block(26,1) block_26_1.png BED_1
Block(26,2) block_26_2.png BED_2
Block(26,3) block_26_3.png BED_3
Block(30,0) block_30_0.png COBWEB
Block(31,0) block_31_0.png DEAD_SHRUB
Block(31,1) block_31_1.png TALLGRASS
Block(31,3) block_31_3.png FERN
Block(35,0) block_35_0.png WOOL_WHITE
Block(35,1) block_35_1.png WOOL_ORANGE
Block(35,2) block_35_2.png WOOL_MAGENTA
Block(35,3) block_35_3.png WOOL_LIGHT_BLUE
Block(35,4) block_35_4.png WOOL_YELLOW
Block(35,5) block_35_5.png WOOL_LIME
Block(35,6) block_35_6.png WOOL_PINK
Block(35,7) block_35_7.png WOOL_GRAY
Block(35,8) block_35_8.png WOOL_LIGHT_GRAY
Block(35,9) block_35_9.png WOOL_CYAN
Block(35,10) block_35_10.png WOOL_PURPLE
Block(35,11) block_35_11.png WOOL_BLUE
Block(35,12) block_35_12.png WOOL_BROWN
Block(35,13) block_35_13.png WOOL_GREEN
Block(35,14) block_35_14.png WOOL_RED
Block(35,15) block_35_15.png WOOL_BLACK
Block(37,0) block_37_0.png DANDELION
Block(38,0) block_38_0.png POPPY
Block(39,0) block_39_0.png MUSHROOM_BROWN
Block(40,0) block_40_0.png MUSHROOM_RED
Block(41,0) block_41_0.png GOLD_BLOCK
Block(42,0) block_42_0.png IRON_BLOCK
Block(43,0) block_43_0.png DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB
Block(43,1) block_43_1.png DOUBLE_SANDSTONE_SLAB
Block(43,2) block_43_2.png DOUBLE_WOODEN_SLAB
Block(43,3) block_43_3.png DOUBLE_COBLESTONE_SLAB
Block(43,4) block_43_4.png DOUBLE_BRICK_SLAB
Block(43,5) block_43_5.png DOUBLE_STONE_BRICK_SLAB
Block(43,6) block_43_6.png STONE_BLOCK
Block(44,0) block_44_0.png STONE_SLAB_LOWER
Block(44,1) block_44_1.png SANDSTONE_SLAB_LOWER
Block(44,2) block_44_2.png WOODEN_SLAB_LOWER
Block(44,3) block_44_3.png COBBLESTONE_SLAB_LOWER
Block(44,4) block_44_4.png BRICK_SLAB_LOWER
Block(44,5) block_44_5.png STONE_BRICK_SLAB_LOWER
Block(44,8) block_44_8.png STONE_SLAB_UPPER
Block(44,9) block_44_9.png SANDSTONE_SLAB_UPPER
Block(44,10) block_44_10.png WOODEN_SLAB_UPPER
Block(44,11) block_44_11.png COBBLESTONE_SLAB_UPPER
Block(44,12) block_44_12.png BRICK_SLAB_UPPER
Block(44,13) block_44_13.png STONE_BRICK_SLAB_UPPER
Block(45,0) block_45_0.png BRICKS
Block(46,0) block_46_0.png TNT (Inactive)
If you hit this TNT block, it will just break.
Block(46,1) block_46_1.png TNT (Active)
If you hit this TNT block, it will start flashing for a little while and then blow up.
Block(47,0) block_47_0.png BOOKSHELF
Block(48,0) block_48_0.png MOSS_STONE
Block(49,0) block_49_0.png OBBSIDIAN
Block(50,5) block_50_5.png TORCH
Block(51,0) block_51_0.png FIRE
This block is supposed to be fire. I tried using other blocks that should interact when placing it, but I never did get this to work. If someone stumbles on to this page, and figures out the secret of fire. Please let me know.
Block(53,0) block_53_0.png OAK_WOOD_STAIRS_0
Block(53,1) block_53_1.png OAK_WOOD_STAIRS_1
Block(53,2) block_53_2.png OAK_WOOD_STAIRS_2
Block(53,3) block_53_3.png OAK_WOOD_STAIRS_3
Block(53,4) block_53_4.png OAK_WOOD_STAIRS_4
Block(53,5) block_53_5.png OAK_WOOD_STAIRS_5
Block(53,6) block_53_6.png OAK_WOOD_STAIRS_6
Block(53,7) block_53_7.png OAK_WOOD_STAIRS_7
Block(54,0) block_54_0.png CHEST_0
Where is the latch?
Block(54,1) block_54_1.png CHEST_1
Block(54,2) block_54_2.png CHEST_2
Block(54,3) block_54_3.png CHEST_3
Block(54,4) block_54_4.png CHEST_4
Block(56,0) block_56_0.png DIAMOND_ORE
Block(57,0) block_57_0.png DIAMOND_BLOCK
Block(58,0) block_58_0.png CRAFTING_TABLE
Block(59,0) block_59_0.png WHEAT_CROPS_0
Block(59,1) block_59_1.png WHEAT_CROPS_1
Block(59,2) block_59_2.png WHEAT_CROPS_2
Block(59,3) block_59_3.png WHEAT_CROPS_3
Block(59,4) block_59_4.png WHEAT_CROPS_4
Block(59,5) block_59_5.png WHEAT_CROPS_5
Block(59,6) block_59_6.png WHEAT_CROPS_6
Block(59,7) block_59_7.png WHEAT_CROPS_7
Block(59,8) block_59_8.png UNKNOWN
Block(59,9) block_59_9.png UNKNOWN
Block(59,10) block_59_10.png UNKNOWN
Block(59,11) block_59_11.png UNKNOWN
Block(59,12) block_59_12.png UNKNOWN
Block(59,13) block_59_13.png UNKNOWN
Block(59,14) block_59_14.png UNKNOWN
Block(59,15) block_59_15.png UNKNOWN
Block(60,0) block_60_0.png FARMLAND_LIGHT
Block(60,1) block_60_1.png FARMLAND_DARK
Block(61,3) block_61_3.png FURNACE
Block(62,3) block_62_3.png BURNING_FURNACE
Block(63,0) block_63_0.png STANDING_SIGN_0
Block(63,1) block_63_1.png STANDING_SIGN_1
Block(63,2) block_63_2.png STANDING_SIGN_2
Block(63,3) block_63_3.png STANDING_SIGN_3
Block(63,4) block_63_4.png STANDING_SIGN_4
Block(63,5) block_63_5.png STANDING_SIGN_5
Block(63,6) block_63_6.png STANDING_SIGN_6
Block(63,7) block_63_7.png STANDING_SIGN_7
Block(63,8) block_63_8.png STANDING_SIGN_8
Block(63,9) block_63_9.png STANDING_SIGN_9
Block(63,10) block_63_10.png STANDING_SIGN_10
Block(63,11) block_63_11.png STANDING_SIGN_11
Block(63,12) block_63_12.png STANDING_SIGN_12
Block(63,13) block_63_13.png STANDING_SIGN_13
Block(63,14) block_63_14.png STANDING_SIGN_14
Block(63,15) block_63_15.png STANDING_SIGN_15
Block(64,0) block_64_0.png OAK_DOOR_0
Block(64,1) block_64_1.png OAK_DOOR_1
Block(64,2) block_64_2.png OAK_DOOR_2
Block(64,3) block_64_3.png OAK_DOOR_3
Block(64,4) block_64_4.png OAK_DOOR_4
Block(64,5) block_64_5.png OAK_DOOR_5
Block(64,6) block_64_6.png OAK_DOOR_6
Block(64,7) block_64_7.png OAK_DOOR_7
Block(64,8) block_64_8.png OAK_WINDOW_0
Block(64,9) block_64_9.png OAK_WINDOW_1
Block(67,0) block_67_0.png COBBLESTONE_STAIRS_0
Block(67,1) block_67_1.png COBBLESTONE_STAIRS_1
Block(67,2) block_67_2.png COBBLESTONE_STAIRS_2
Block(67,3) block_67_3.png COBBLESTONE_STAIRS_3
Block(67,4) block_67_4.png COBBLESTONE_STAIRS_4
Block(67,5) block_67_5.png COBBLESTONE_STAIRS_5
Block(67,6) block_67_6.png COBBLESTONE_STAIRS_6
Block(67,7) block_67_7.png COBBLESTONE_STAIRS_7
Block(68,2) block_68_2.png WALL_MOUNTED_SIGN_0
Block(68,3) block_68_3.png WALL_MOUNTED_SIGN_1
Block(68,4) block_68_4.png WALL_MOUNTED_SIGN_2
Block(68,5) block_68_5.png WALL_MOUNTED_SIGN_3
Block(71,0) block_71_0.png IRON_DOOR_0
Block(71,1) block_71_1.png IRON_DOOR_1
Block(71,2) block_71_2.png IRON_DOOR_2
Block(71,3) block_71_3.png IRON_DOOR_3
Block(71,4) block_71_4.png IRON_DOOR_4
Block(71,5) block_71_5.png IRON_DOOR_5
Block(71,6) block_71_6.png IRON_DOOR_6
Block(71,7) block_71_7.png IRON_DOOR_7
Block(71,8) block_71_8.png IRON_WINDOW_0
Block(71,9) block_71_9.png IRON_WINDOW_1
Block(73,0) block_73_0.png REDSTONE_ORE
Block(78,0) block_78_0.png SNOW
Block(79,0) block_79_0.png ICE
Block(80,0) block_80_0.png SNOW_BLOCK
Block(81,0) block_81_0.png CACTUS
Block(82,0) block_82_0.png CLAY
Block(83,0) block_83_0.png SUGAR_CANES
Block(85,0) block_85_0.png OAK_FENCE
Block(87,0) block_87_0.png NETHERRACK
Block(89,0) block_89_0.png GLOWSTONE
Block(95,0) block_95_0.png STAINED_GLASS_WHITE
I tried interacting with GLASS_PANES, etc., but I was never able to get this to work. If anyone does get this to work, then changing the data values should provide more color options.
Block(96,3) block_96_3.png WOODEN_TRAP_DOOR_0
Block(96,4) block_96_4.png WOODEN_TRAP_DOOR_1
Block(96,5) block_96_5.png WOODEN_TRAP_DOOR_2
Block(96,6) block_96_6.png WOODEN_TRAP_DOOR_3
Block(96,7) block_96_7.png WOODEN_TRAP_DOOR_4
Block(96,8) block_96_8.png WOODEN_TRAP_DOOR_5
Block(98,0) block_98_0.png STONE_BRICKS
Block(98,1) block_98_1.png MOSSY_STONE_BRICKS
Block(98,2) block_98_2.png CRACKED_STONE_BRICKS
Block(102,0) block_102_0.png GLASS_PANE
Block(103,0) block_103_0.png MELON
Block(105,0) block_105_0.png MELON_STEM_0
Block(105,1) block_105_1.png MELON_STEM_1
Block(105,2) block_105_2.png MELON_STEM_2
Block(105,3) block_105_3.png MELON_STEM_3
Block(105,4) block_105_4.png MELON_STEM_4
Block(105,5) block_105_5.png MELON_STEM_5
Block(105,6) block_105_6.png MELON_STEM_6
Block(105,7) block_105_7.png MELON_STEM_7
Block(105,8) block_105_8.png MELON_STEM_8
Block(105,9) block_105_9.png MELON_STEM_9
Block(105,10) block_105_10.png MELON_STEM_10
Block(105,11) block_105_11.png MELON_STEM_11
Block(105,12) block_105_12.png MELON_STEM_12
Block(105,13) block_105_13.png MELON_STEM_13
Block(105,14) block_105_14.png MELON_STEM_14
Block(105,15) block_105_15.png MELON_STEM_15
I haven't experimented with this, but it appears that data values 8-15 may place or affect 2 blocks.
Block(107,0) block_107_0.png OAK_FENCE_GATE_CLOSED_0
Block(107,1) block_107_1.png OAK_FENCE_GATE_CLOSED_1
Block(107,2) block_107_2.png OAK_FENCE_GATE_CLOSED_2
Block(107,3) block_107_3.png OAK_FENCE_GATE_CLOSED_3
Block(107,4) block_107_4.png OAK_FENCE_GATE_OPEN_0
Block(107,5) block_107_5.png OAK_FENCE_GATE_OPEN_1
Block(107,6) block_107_6.png OAK_FENCE_GATE_OPEN_2
Block(107,7) block_107_7.png OAK_FENCE_GATE_OPEN_3
Block(108,0) block_108_0.png BRICK_STAIRS_0
Block(108,1) block_108_1.png BRICK_STAIRS_1
Block(108,2) block_108_2.png BRICK_STAIRS_2
Block(108,3) block_108_3.png BRICK_STAIRS_3
Block(108,4) block_108_4.png BRICK_STAIRS_4
Block(108,5) block_108_5.png BRICK_STAIRS_5
Block(108,6) block_108_6.png BRICK_STAIRS_6
Block(108,7) block_108_7.png BRICK_STAIRS_7
Block(109,0) block_109_0.png STONE_BRICK_STAIRS_0
Block(109,1) block_109_1.png STONE_BRICK_STAIRS_1
Block(109,2) block_109_2.png STONE_BRICK_STAIRS_2
Block(109,3) block_109_3.png STONE_BRICK_STAIRS_3
Block(109,4) block_109_4.png STONE_BRICK_STAIRS_4
Block(109,5) block_109_5.png STONE_BRICK_STAIRS_5
Block(109,6) block_109_6.png STONE_BRICK_STAIRS_6
Block(109,7) block_109_7.png STONE_BRICK_STAIRS_7
Block(112,0) block_112_0.png NETHER_BRICK
Block(114,0) block_114_0.png NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS_0
Block(114,1) block_114_1.png NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS_1
Block(114,2) block_114_2.png NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS_2
Block(114,3) block_114_3.png NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS_3
Block(114,4) block_114_4.png NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS_4
Block(114,5) block_114_5.png NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS_5
Block(114,6) block_114_6.png NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS_6
Block(114,7) block_114_7.png NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS_7
Block(128,0) block_128_0.png SANDSTONE_STAIRS_0
Block(128,1) block_128_1.png SANDSTONE_STAIRS_1
Block(128,2) block_128_2.png SANDSTONE_STAIRS_2
Block(128,3) block_128_3.png SANDSTONE_STAIRS_3
Block(128,4) block_128_4.png SANDSTONE_STAIRS_4
Block(128,5) block_128_5.png SANDSTONE_STAIRS_5
Block(128,6) block_128_6.png SANDSTONE_STAIRS_6
Block(128,7) block_128_7.png SANDSTONE_STAIRS_7
Block(155,0) block_155_0.png QUARTZ_BLOCK
Block(155,1) block_155_1.png CHISELED_QUARTZ_BLOCK
Block(155,2) block_155_2.png PILLAR_QUARTZ_BLOCK
Block(156,0) block_156_0.png QUARTZ_STAIRS_0
Block(156,1) block_156_1.png QUARTZ_STAIRS_1
Block(156,2) block_156_2.png QUARTZ_STAIRS_2
Block(156,3) block_156_3.png QUARTZ_STAIRS_3
Block(156,4) block_156_4.png QUARTZ_STAIRS_4
Block(156,5) block_156_5.png QUARTZ_STAIRS_5
Block(156,6) block_156_6.png QUARTZ_STAIRS_6
Block(156,7) block_156_7.png QUARTZ_STAIRS_7
Block(245,0) block_245_0.png UNKNOWN
Block(246,0) block_246_0.png UNKNOWN
Block(247,0) block_247_0.png UNKNOWN
Block(247,1) block_247_1.png UNKNOWN
Block(247,2) block_247_2.png UNKNOWN
Block(248,0) block_248_0.png UNKNOWN
Block(249,0) block_249_0.png UNKNOWN
Block(253,0) block_253_0.png GRASS (Repeat)
Block(254,0) block_254_0.png BUSHES_0
Block(254,1) block_254_1.png BUSHES_1
Block(254,2) block_254_2.png BUSHES_2
Block(255,0) block_255_0.png STONE (Repeat)

Scripts for Creating the List of Blocks

For anyone wanting to explore the blocks further, here are the scripts that I used to find and create the list of blocks.

The first script is This simply iterates through a range of id values, writes the primary block (using data = 0), reads back the block value, and if it matches, writes the successful block combination to a file. If you set a range > 255 you should see that blocks appear based on what seems like modulo 255 but Minecraft also throws an exception for the request. Only values between 0-255 are written to the file.

The second script is This script provides a keyboard interface to manually step through the combinations of id and data values. Unfortunately, automation didn't work well here as Minecraft would accept lots of combinations that were clearly repeats or modulo values of other blocks, and would return a valid confirmation that it was the requested block. Using this script I manually created the "cleaned" list of valid blocks. A benefit to manually placing blocks is that I was able to observe some interesting combinations, particularly before I started erasing between changing blocks. This is an area that haven't fully explored.

The third script is This script added an auto run mode to iterate through the known blocks and a screen capture of each successful combination. This provides the first mechanism to capture images of each block. To run this script you will need to install raspi2png, which is required to capture the Minecraft display. You may need to adjust the paths in the script to match your install location.

The fourth script is This script adds the second mechanism to capture images of each block. It iterates through all block combinations, and if a screen capture exists, it opens the file, crops out the block, and saves the cropped image. The only real wrinkle is that the Pi version API doesn't provide the ability to set (or get) the player's pitch and direction. This means that the view of the blocks has to be set manually, making it impossible to perfectly reproduce. This means that the crop dimensions will have to be "fine-tuned" each time position of the player is moved. The good news is that once the Minecraft view is set all of the rest of the work is done in the scripts, and there is no need to move it.

Note: When I did this, the first three scripts were run on the Raspberry Pi, and the fourth script was executed on a Windows 10 PC.